

1. 圣大卫大教堂 St David's Cathedral (Saint Davids) 这座哥特式建筑在1293年开始建造,至今仍是威尔士宗教中心。它的内部装饰有华丽的彩色玻璃和雕刻,而外部则有着高耸的尖塔,从周围的山丘上都可以看到它,非常醒目。教堂内还保存着一些重要的历史文物,比如中世纪时期的手稿等。参观教堂是免费的,但是开放时间略有不同,建议提前查询。

2. St Govan's Chapel (Cemaes Bay) St Govan's Chapel位于Cemaes Bay附近的一座小山上,是一座很古老的教堂。它最初建于公元600年左右,但是现在的建筑是14世纪中期重建的。这座教堂的内外都带有神秘的色彩,据说曾有一位名叫Govan的修女在这里居住过,并且她通过祈祷治愈了许多人。现在人们还可以看见她的坟墓以及她曾经居住的洞穴,此外还有一幅描绘她生活的壁画。

3. 斯诺登尼亚国家公园 Snowdonia National Park 这座占地823平方公里的国家公园拥有许多不同的地貌,包括山脉、湖泊、沼泽和森林等,其中斯诺登山是国家公园中最著名的山峰之一。这座海拔约1,085米的高山的风景十分优美,尤其是当山顶被积雪覆盖时更是美不胜收。另外,这里还有许多徒步路径可以选择,适合各类水平的登山者。

4. 小石城 Little Solva Llanrhidian Maenofre is a small village on the Gower Peninsula, Wales. It has been a settlement since at least Roman times and today it offers visitors views of stunning countryside and coastline, as well as several places to stay. The village itself is home to a number of interesting buildings including the Old Church which dates back to the early Middle Ages and was built using local stone; it contains some very fine stained glass windows dating from around 1500AD. Another notable building in this area is Llechwedd Quarry which once supplied much of Britain’s slate needs before being abandoned after World War II;it now provides spectacular views across Pembrokeshire Coast National Park thanks in part due to its unusual landscape features such as rock arches created by erosion processes over thousands years. Today Llanrhidian can be visited year-round although it does close during winter months between November & March depending upon weather conditions outside these periods may mean access into some parts restricted please check website prior visiting site if unsure about what will be open or closed ahead time should allow visitor sufficient opportunity find out more details regarding entry requirements etc prior booking tickets through online portal when available booking system ensures everyone gets chance experience stunning scenery without having too many people crowded together thus ensuring overall experience remains enjoyable

5. Llangernyw Llyn Cerrig Bach lies just south east of Aberllefenni near the border with England –


1.卡迪夫城堡,是威尔士的首都(当然现在不是了) 2.圣大卫大教堂、学院,一个哥特式建筑,一个巴洛克式的,都非常漂亮 3.斯派洛堡,位于斯劳公园内,也是一座宏伟壮丽的古堡!

4.加布里埃尔·伯恩的电影《007》的开场在斯佩罗拍摄的,那可是非常著名的哦~电影里面还有很多其他地方的镜头呢 我就写了这些啦~因为去的时候时间有点晚了……
